Health and Safety Policy

Health and Safety Policy

Introduction and Scope

The Oxford Studio Orchestra (the Orchestra) is committed to providing a healthy and safe environment for all those involved in the musical activities it organises.

  • This includes but is not limited to: members, any volunteers and members of the public.
  • This includes but is not limited to: rehearsals and concerts.


  • Overall responsibility for health and safety sits with the Oxford Studio Orchestra Committee.
  • Practical responsibility for health and safety at events and activities organised by the Orchestra sits with a nominated Health and Safety Officer, currently Ingrid Lunt.


Statements of general policy

  1. The Orchestra will seek to prevent accidents and cases of ill-health by managing the health and safety at events and activities it organises.
    • Risk assessments will be completed for events and activities.
    • Where regular venues are used the risk assessment will be reviewed on a triennial basis or sooner if required.


  2. The Orchestra will provide clear instructions and information to ensure that members and any volunteers are competent to carry out activities in a healthy and safe manner.
    • Tasks performed by members and volunteers will be risk assessed and appropriate instruction will be provided (e.g.  erecting staging).


  3. The Orchestra will engage and consult with members and volunteers on health and safety conditions.
    • Members and volunteers will be briefed on health and safety risk assessments for new venues/activities and updated on any changes in risk assessment for regular venues/activities.
    • Members and volunteers will be encouraged to raise health and safety concerns with the Health and Safety Officer or another committee member


  4. The Orchestra will implement emergency procedures – evacuation in case of fire or other significant incident.
    • The Health and Safety Officer will ensure at least one individual is responsible for knowing fire procedures for hired venues and for communicating them to those present.


  5. The Health and Safety Officer will ensure satisfactory health and safety conditions apply at hired venues and for hired equipment
    • Ensure that any equipment owned by the Orchestra will be stored safely.


First Aid

  • The Orchestra will ensure they are aware of First Aid procedures, kits and equipment at hired venues.
  • The Health and Safety Officer will maintain a list of members who have had First Aid training and who are willing to be called on when needed

Sound safety

The Orchestra takes the responsibility of protecting the hearing of members and audience members seriously. We will:

  • Ensure there are open lines of communication for individuals to raise concerns about hearing
  • Take concerns seriously; the Committee and Music Director will work with the individuals to find ways to minimise risk.
  • Take into account the protection of our audience’s hearing when designing stage and audience layout for concerts.

Policy availability and review

This policy will be made available to all the Orchestra’s members and reviewed from time to time by the Committee.


This is version 1.1 of this policy, approved on 14/3/2022